Autor: Olivia Najt

Olivia, born and raised in Buenos Aires, loves blogging, eating and watching movies. She learned English through music and her family; at the age of five she was singing and dancing to the Beatles. Olivia currently works as a freelance photographer and writer in places like The WOW Factor and her own blog Olive's Food Project. She also goes to Pastry school and dreams about going to Japan.
Olivia Najt

Olivia, born and raised in Buenos Aires, loves blogging, eating and watching movies. She learned English through music and her family; at the age of five she was singing and dancing to the Beatles. Olivia currently works as a freelance photographer and writer in places like The WOW Factor and her own blog Olive's Food Project. She also goes to Pastry school and dreams about going to Japan.


La Avenida Caseros es una de las más hermosas de Buenos Aires. Empezó siendo el lugar donde las clases adineradas tenían sus casas de fin de semana. Las clases adineradas se fueron y llegaron los inmigrantes. La avenida lleva su nombre en honor a una de las batallas más sangrientas en la historia argentina durante la puja entre unitarios y federales, y todavía se puede visitar un museo donde nace la avenida. Sus hermosos edificios nuclean un grupo de buenos restaurantes en apenas unas pocas cuadras de la ciudad.

04 de July de 2015