Tag: Parrilla

Buenos Aires Restaurants and Bars – The Best Places to Eat and Drink

sudestada asian fusion restaurant palermo hollywood buenos aires argentina

Here is a round-up of all my favorite places to eat and drink in Buenos Aires, Argentina. These top restaurants, cafes and bars are in all the best locations and barrios around the city, and they range from hip and stylish to traditional and authentic. With the map and listings below, any visitor to Buenos Aires can have the ultimate culinary experience of Argentina and explore all the types of cuisine on offer. Get in to the hottest new places on the BA scene, and find your way to the hidden delights that only locals know about…

May 28th, 2010

We Love… Choripan, the Ultimate in Argentine Street Food

Choripán – Sausage in a bun, Argentina style. It took me two years of living in Argentina to figure out that choripán – the ultimate Argentinian street snack – is cunningly named from the words chorizo, a sausage, and pan, meaning bread. (Of course, it took me four years to realise that ‘chile con carne’ is ‘chilli with meat’ – so what can I say.) What’s in choripán? Only the finest cuts of pork or beef. Ha ha, not really…

May 4th, 2010

Salta Beats to a Different Drum in Argentina’s Northwest

Iglesia y Convento San Francisco Salta Argentina

Salta beats to a different drum, figuratively and literally. Gone is the incessant Tango of Buenos Aires, and gone are the frenetic rhythms of cumbia. In the dramatic north-western province of Salta, it is the resonant thud of a bombo legüero, the chiming mandolin-like charango and guitar that provide the soundtrack…

April 14th, 2010

Restaurants and Bars in Mendoza, Argentina – Gourmet Hot-Spots and Local Favorites

Mendoza Restaurant Bar Map thumb

Mendoza is a charming city with a small-town atmosphere. The friendly locals, superb setting and gastronomic delights make it a perfect vacation spot with something for everyone. Born and bred in Mendoza, I’ve spent my life keeping track of all the developments in the Mendoza food and drink scene. Some of my favorite restaurants, cafes, and bars in town are internationally renowned for their gourmet cuisine and fine wines; others are lesser-known favorites frequented by locals who appreciate quality cooking in a welcoming atmosphere…

March 16th, 2010

Offal! An introduction to the best parts of an Argentinean Asado

Granted, it doesn’t help that chinchulines look exactly like what they are; namely the small intestine, but these little innards are an indispensable part of that indispensable Buenos Aires experience: the asado barbecue. Closing your eyes is one tactic. Another is to quaff enough Malbec to not really care what you throw down your throat. But those who do have the, er, guts to order dangly bits of cow will be rewarded with a tasty treat, or at least a good story to tell your mates at home…

February 26th, 2010