We’ve got a real passion for everything Argentina, and we want to share it with you.

Our contributors and editors draw on first-hand experience of the country, from the vibrant culture and the delicious food to the exhilarating countryside and bustling cities – we love it all.

Making great Argentinean organic wine is our business and first love, but we are also excited by everything from the latest urban buzz of the Buenos Aires scene, to the natural wonders of Iguazu Falls and Tierra del Fuego; from the thrill of our fiery football rivalries, to that juicy flavor you relish in a perfectly grilled Argentine steak.

For any futher information send us email to info@bodegaargento.com.

A Meat-Lovers Guide To Beef Cuts In Argentina

Look up Argentina in the dictionary and the definition says, ʻsynonym of meatʼ. Okay, thatʼs not true. But it should be, because this country is all about the carne. Give or take a few steaks, Argentineans eat about 55kg of beef each a year.


Recipe For Argentine Locro

Wintertime in Argentina – cosy up inside with a large glass of oak Cabernet Sauvignon and serve yourself a warming bowl of locro, the hearty meat and corn-based stew of northern Argentina.


Step-By-Step Guide To The Perfect Argentine Asado

The fastest way to make enemies in Argentina is to compare the asado to a barbecue. It’s the same, right? No, the locals will tell you, through gritted teeth, it is not the same.


Argentinian Or Argentinean: Decisions, Decisions...

‘You say potato, I say potato’. Ah, that doesn’t really work in print. Argentinian, Argentinean and Argentine however, has stirred the passions of grammarians, pedants, and now, and you didn’t see this coming, you.


The 14 Argentine Movies You Need To Watch

Argentine film is hot right now. Oscar winning, entertaining, thought provoking – multifaceted Argentine cinema should certainly be streaming on your device.